Neither musical feeling nor the ear itself can stand, for long, thefull resources of the orchestra combined together. The favourite groupof instruments is the strings, then follow in order the wood-wind,brass, kettle-drums, harps, pizzicato effects, and lastly thepercussion, also, in point of order, triangle, cymbals, big drum, sidedrum, tambourine, gong. Further removed stand the celesta,glockenspiel and xylophone, which instruments, though melodic, aretoo characteristic in timbre to be employed over frequently. The samemay be said of the piano and castanets. A quantity of nationalinstruments not included in the present work may be incorporated intothe orchestra; such are the guitar, the domra, zither, mandoline, theoriental tambourine, small tambourine etc. These instruments areemployed from time to time for descriptive-aesthetic purposes.
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